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Sunday, July 9, 2017

Instructions (not) Included

I read the order off the screen of my phone word for word for the girl behind the counter.

"Two shakes, and two sundaes ... oh, and let's see - there's a note here that says, 'Make sure to put napkins in the cups so nothing gets in them'."

I stopped, confused, and read the line several times again to myself.  Yes, that was what it said.  But what did it MEAN? I looked up at the food service worker.  "Soooo .... like, you want me to put napkins in the cups and then pour the shake over them.....??"

As tempted as I was to default back to my usual, "I'm just the deliverer!" I knew it wouldn't work this time. This time I was also the person receiving instructions and making the entire order. Which was why I was getting paid more.

"Um ..... you know what?  I have no idea what this customer is saying here.  Just forget the napkins thing." It must have been okay, because this customer seemed happy with his delivery. I thought it was odd - he lives a couple blocks away.  I would just walk. It would be faster and cheaper. But, it gives me a job, so...

Sometimes, I feel the same way with God's Word.  "I'm just the deliverer!"  And I am - but as with the food delivery job, I have to get it right. With my food delivery, if I get it wrong, the customer will be upset, I'll lose my tip, and with the current situation being that there are companies offering competition to us, we could lose that customer altogether.  But if I get God's Word delivery wrong, the stakes are so much higher!

James 3:1 (ESV) "Not many of you should become teachers ["deliverers"?], for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." One who is a teacher is always held to a higher standard. While I may not be the one who made God's laws, and am only the one "delivering" the word to others, I need to be constantly aware of the importance of getting it right, especially when souls are at stake.

1 comment:

  1. Very good, encouraging thoughts!! Thanks for putting this together!!



 One thing I have learned working this job is that there are some people who have no qualms at all about lying. Customers lie: "Tip in ...